Import & Export

Simplified logistics for our customers

One of the companies of the New Century group, is dedicated to the import of hardware, energy and construction established in our bylaws. The entire range of merchandise comes directly from the United States, shipped through containers with FCL freight. This travels by sea to a port where the logistics allow us to reduce two factors such as cost and time.

Once in our territory our company performs all the corresponding procedures under oath in a declaration before the DGA where we are registered as importers, we guarantee that all documentation is validated to avoid any anomalous process that may arise, improve the quality of service, reduce delivery times and increase customer satisfaction.



Logistics that crosses borders

Efficient for your specific requirements

We integrate all points of the Logistics Chain of exports and imports – Implementation of international operations of origin and destination – Port and airport management and advice – Customs Specialists – Excellent relations with control organizations and strategic alliances in International Trade – We are your best ally in logistical support for your business.

Part of the logistics of shipments is treated in advance to comply with the new modalities that are registered with the various institutions and must be carried inspections, in the range of imports of our company is generated through shipping agency whose objective is the fast and efficient shipment of numbers items that are needed as soon as possible. 

Progressive Rise of Renewable Sources in Electricity Generation

Energy Transformation

Representation of Renewable Energy over the years:

During the period from 2006 to 2019, it has experienced a remarkable change in its energy matrix. Renewable energy sources represent an exponential increase since 2006.

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Diversification of Energy Sources and Sustainable Growth:

During the period from 2006 to 2019, renewable energy imports account for almost one-third of its energy consumption, with the following being the largest contributors:

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Wind Power
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Solar Energy
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Interested in hiring our import and export services?

Contact us for an estimate!


Phone Number

+505 8692 - 7530
