
Residencial Praderas del Mombacho

Granada, Nicaragua


About the Project

Praderas del Mombacho

Located in La Gran Sultana, surrounded by culture and tourism. Developed 533 housings of 5 Functional Models available from 40.83 to 73.48 square meters.

Los sistemas constructivos utilizado para edificar las viviendas son Concreto Monolítico y Blok-On “Sismo Resistentes” que poseen un anclaje de estructura indeformable que garantiza un mayor desempeño ante el ataque de agentes climáticos que provocan humedad y filtraciones.

Ciudad Campuzano has all the basic services: security, electricity, drinking water, rainwater drainage, sanitary drainage, telephony, cable TV, terraces, large green areas, pluvial drainage, sanitary drainage, telephony, cable television, terraces, ample green areas, commercial and communal areas for the amusement and recreation of its inhabitants. In addition, it has a main boulevard, wide avenues and streets of hydraulic concrete.

Water System

El sistema de abastecimiento de agua potable está conectado a dos pozos perforados, tanque aéreo, y tanque sobre suelo, permitiendo un excelente servicio de agua potable.

On the other hand, the wastewater that will be generated in the project is of a domestic nature, which is conducted through a sanitary sewerage network to a treatment plant, undergoes a purification process and is transferred to a receiving body, thus complying with national and international standards such as: WHO, Drinking Water Quality Standards in the Americas (CAPRE) and the Nicaraguan Institute of Aqueducts and Sewerage (INAA).

Available Models

73.48 mts²

Modelo Sueño

73.48 mts²

3 Bedrooms

2 Bathrooms
con Azulejos

Parking Area

Terraza Lateral

61.87 mts²

Modelo Cielo

61.87 mts²

3 Bedrooms

1 Bathroom
con Azulejos

Parking Area


51.36 mts²

Modelo Brisa

51.36 mts²

3 Bedrooms

2 Bathrooms
con Azulejos

Parking Area


56.43 mts²

Modelo Promesa

56.43 mts²

2 Bedrooms

1 Bathroom
con Azulejos

Parking Area

Área ingreso 8.26 mts²

Constructive System Based on Blok-On

40.83 mts²

Modelo Aurora

40.83 mts²

2 Bedrooms

1 Bathroom
con Azulejos

Parking Area

Laundry Area

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Locate Us!

Calle del Mercado Central, 2.7 km al sur. Comarca el Madroño. Granada

Are you Interested in this Project?

contact us for a quote in any of our services



Phone Number

+505 8606 4871
+505 2267 8600


Calle del Mercado Central, 2.7 km al sur. Comarca el Madroño. Granada
